Today only Amy Alvin and Kaine were here. Amy unfortunately lost her camera and spent the first few minutes of the lesson going to look for it. I have informed the office at learner accounts, lost property and reception about it. So if it gets handed in they will know that it is hers. Amy later worked on her art. The drawings aren't for her assessment yet, they are just practice. Amy also has Maths work to do but the Art was due first so she did that today. Kaine did a little bit of Maths from his book but didn't get that much done today. Alvin worked on his DVC homework researching apartments and worked well as usual.
오늘은 일정상 민경이, 한음이, 두현이만 수업에 참여하였습니다. 민경이가 카메라를 잃어버려서 찾으러 다녔습니다. 학교에 알려놔서 찾게 되면 연락을 받을텐데 꼭 찾았으면 좋겠습니다. 민경이는 오늘 미술 공부를 하였습니다. 성적에 들어가는 것은 아니고 연습이었습니다. 그 이후에는 수학 과제를 하기도 했네요. 두현이는 수학과제를 하기는 했는데 많이 진도를 나가지는 못했습니다. 한음이는 DVC 과제를 하였습니다. 아파트 관련 리서치를 했는데 항상 그렇듯 아주 열심히 하였습니다.