Allen had a science quiz that she had to complete at the start of class. Alvin worked on his visual art homework again. This time he had to complete a sketch that related to his theme and will later contribute to his art board. Amy worked on her maths homework from her book. The questions were quite long winded so I helped her every now and then to understand what it was asking for. After understanding the questions, she had no problems completing the work. Sally worked from her maths book as well and then switched to chemistry as the lesson went on. Jeongyeon also worked on questions relating to her art board and went to print concepts that she will later use to develop her theme.
은주는 과학 첫 과학수업에 끝내야하는 과학퀴즈를 했습니다. 한음이는 오늘도 비주얼 아트 숙제를 했습니다. 이번에는 본인의 테마에 맞는 스케치를 하고 나중에 아트보드에 넣어야했습니다. 민경이는 수학숙제를 하기위해 교재를 공부했습니다. 문제가 길고 꼬여있어서 잘 설명해주었고 민경이는 문제없이 공부를 끝냈습니다. 보경이도 수학 공부를 했는데 공부하다가 화학공부로 바꿨습니다. 정흔이는 아트 보드에 관련된 문제들을 풀었고 테마를 발전시키기 위한 컨셉을 프린트하러 다녀오기도 하였습니다.