Today Allen did her science work but didn't get started until 4pm after refusing to carry on with work from Monday.
Jeongyeon did work from her geography class which was good because it involved a lot of reading writing and comprehension work.
Kaine was also here today and was writing an extract regarding his ankle injury just explaining what had happened and how.
Amy and Sally were working on their M-Tech project but were in the wood work class rooms the whole lesson which is why there is no photos.
오늘 은주는 과학 과제를 했습니다, 하지만 거의 네시가 되서야 공부를 시작했네요.
정흔이는 지리 과목을 공부했는데 영어 독해와 포괄적인 언어공부가 되었습니다.
두현이는 부상에 대해 요약해서 영어로 작성해보는 시간을 가졌습니다.
민경이와 보경이는 MTech 프로젝트 관계로 특별 교실에 가서 공부를 하는 관계로 사진을 못 찍었습니다.